14 July 2022
Pursuant to the Conditions of Admission imposed by ASX Limited upon Sezzle, Inc. (Sezzle) on admission to the Official List of ASX Limited, Sezzle is required to inform the market immediately upon becoming aware, to the best of Sezzle’s knowledge, of a substantial holder in Sezzle (Substantial Holder) ceasing to be a Substantial Holder, together with the name of the former Substantial Holder and the date on which the person ceased to be a Substantial Holder.
In accordance with this obligation, and to the best of Sezzle’s knowledge,2 Sezzle provides
notice of the following person ceasing to be Substantial Holder in Sezzle:

  1. Details of Former Substantial Holder
    Name Zip Co Limited
    ACN/ARSN (if applicable) 139 546 428
    The holder ceased to be a Substantial Shareholder on: 12 July 2022
  2. Details of voting power
    The total number of votes attached to all the voting shares in Sezzle that the Substantial
    Holder or an associate3
    (to the extent known by Sezzle) had a relevant interest4
    in are such
    that the person ceased to be a substantial holder within the meaning of section 9 of the Act.
    Zip Co Limited previously had a ‘relevant interest’ in the securities described in the ‘Notice of
    Initial Substantial Holder’ announcement released by Sezzle to ASX on 1 March 2022, by
    virtue of the ‘Support Agreements’ which were annexed to that ‘Notice of Initial Substantial
    The ‘Merger Agreement’ in respect of Zip Co Limited’s proposed acquisition of Sezzle, and
    accordingly the abovementioned ‘Support Agreements’, were terminated on 12 July 2022,
    meaning that Zip Co Limited ceased to have a ‘relevant interest’ in the abovementioned
    securities on that date.
    This announcement was approved by CEO and Board Chairman Charlie Youakim on behalf
    of Sezzle.

1 As per the meaning of ‘substantial holder’ in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act).
2 Please note that this information is derived from Sezzle’s analysis of its share register as maintained by
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited and other reasonable corporate enquiries.
3 As per the definition of ‘associate’ in section 9 of the Act.
4 As per the definition of ‘relevant interest’ in section 608 of the Act.

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